时间 : 2021-12-15 23:56
来源 : 网络整理


专业:网络工程 班级:网络091本 姓名:封蓓虹 指导老师:王选勇

摘要 21世纪是一个以数字化、网络化与信息化为核心的信息时代。信息技术的高速发展使得计算机网络发展的非常迅速,已经成为信息科学的一个新的分支。随着计算机网络的发展,酒店网已经成为高星级酒店走向信息化时代的必然发展趋势,使我国酒店管理向智能化发展,可以很大的推动顾客与酒店管理人员的互动,它不仅体现在网络本身具备的技术特性和应用特点上,也体现了不同用户的各种需求,而酒店网的建设必将对星级酒店的信息化建设起到强大的推动作用,势必可以很好的提升酒店的信誉度与智名度,从而间接的提升酒店的经济效益。本文通过对酒店网建设的研究,着重从需求分析、星级酒店网的设计、设备的选型、网络互联设备配置等方面进行了分析与描述,并给出了具体的设计方案。

关键词 Internet技术 酒店网 综合布线 设备配置

Shaoxing Xianheng Hotel Intranet System Integrated Design

Profession: 易云网络:易云网络name:易云网络:wang xuanyong

Abstract 21 century is to a digital and network and information into the core of the information age。 The high speed development of information technology makes the computer network development very quickly, has become one of the information science new branch。 With the development of computer network, the nets have become high star hotel to the information era inevitable development trend, make our country hotel management to intelligent development, can promote a customer and hotel management personnels interaction, it not only embodies in the network itself has the technical characteristics and application characteristic, also reflected the different needs of different customers, and the construction of the hotel nets would star hotel information construction of a strong role, will can well increase the credibility and wisdom of degrees, which indirectly the ascension of the economic benefits of the hotel。

This article through to the hotel nets construction, the author of from the demand analysis, star hotel design, equipment of network of type selection, network interconnection equipment co

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